Monday, August 12, 2019

Black Jack Davey

Black Jack Davey is from a Scottish ballad first noted in the 1700s, under title variants such as "Wraggle Taggle Gypsies O" or "The Gypsy Laddie".  It usually concerns the tale of a lady abandoning her husband and baby to run off with her Gypsy lover (scandalous!). Or sometimes, the Gypsies are kidnapping her or putting her under a spell. It has been recorded by many artists over the years.
The version I used for making my dulcimer tab is from a 1958 recording of Lula Davis of Arkansas, thanks to the Max Hunter collection online.  Click this link to actually hear her sing it.
I include this ballad here because it has a lovely yet very simple melody to play on the dulcimer.  You can sing the wonderful lyrics with or not... or perhaps get a singing friend to sing them while you play.  Enjoy!


  1. Hi Strumelia,I have two questions about the tab:
    1) is the tab DAd or DAD?
    2) does ^v refer to strumming direction?
    Much thanks!

  2. Hi there!
    The tab says at the top tuning: DAd.
    Yes, the "V"s indicate strumming direction, back and forth.
